Wednesday, March 22, 2017

What would you do?

What would you do if one morning your home was blown away from a tornado? And all of the belongings in the home were ruined? Do you know who to call, and how to utilize your home or renters insurance? Are you sure that you have enough coverage for your home and belongings? Do you know what kind of coverage you have and what’s available? Our team at is here to help you answer these important questions.


Insurance is one thing that’s important to have, but hopefully you never have to use. After the recent storms that affected thousands of Middle Tennessee residents, it’s a good time to take stock of what you own and to make sure that if you do lose everything in a storm or other catastrophe, that your insurance is capable of restoring your life back to as close to normal as possible.


Here’s a list of steps to take to prepare for the worst. If you take care of these things before a storm, fire, or other catastrophic loss occurs, you will be prepared to use your insurance policy for what it’s really for: putting you back in your home, your car, or recovering from any major loss that occurred.


  1. Do you know what’s really in your home? With your smartphone or camera, go around the house and take pictures of each wall and any significant items in your home. This is especially important for both homeowners and renters. These pictures will help the adjuster determine what was truly lost or destroyed.

  2. How much is your home worth? If you’re not sure, call us at 615-900-0288 or email us at and we can give you an updated value for your home. It’s important that your home’s value is accurate on your insurance policy.

  3. What about your stuff? Your home, apartment, or dwelling of any kind is full of your belongings: clothes, furniture, decorations, pots, pans, the list goes on! In addition to taking pictures of the rooms in your home, take pictures of your open kitchen and bathroom drawers and cabinets, and your closets.

  4. What’s around your home? On a home insurance policy, part of your coverage is other structures. This includes fencing, sheds, decks, and any other structures attached to the ground. If you’re not sure what your coverage amount is, call us at 615-900-0288 or email us at

  5. How often do you inspect your home? Usually before a home is purchased, it’s inspected by a licensed professional. Is that the last time your home was inspected? It’s important to take the time to occasionally look around your home for any water leaks, damaged or missing shingles, cracks in the interior or exterior walls, and other possible issues.

If you have any questions about your policy, are looking for a new insurance policy, or know of anyone that would like better coverage for a lower price, please let us know by visiting or by calling us at 615-900-0288. We look forward to serving you!

by via Blog - 615.900.0288 Murfreesboro Insurance Agent

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